Wangfujing Hotel
Wangfujing Grand Hotel is a five-star foreign-related hotel located in the world-famous Wangfujing Business Zone, which is owned by Franshion Prosperities of Sinochem Group, which is situated a stone's throw from Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, North Sea, Jingshan, adjacent to the government, banks, financial institutions, large luxury shopping malls and well-known business associations. Its implements standardization and the internationalization management well equipped with all kinds of business and recreational facilities, including sets of 348 guestrooms of various specifications and 5,000 square meters of clubhouse. The 4,000-square-meter large-scale luxury nightclub is second to none in Asia. The unique geographical location, elegant and comfortable environment and facilities are your ideal choice for business, tourism, leisure, entertainment and shopping.
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