Shanghai Maglev
Shanghai Maglev Train is a maglev system serving Shanghai, China. On April 27, 2006, its first line, the Shanghai Maglev Train Demonstration Line, opened and operated, which is also the first maglev line in China. The model of Shanghai Maglev Train is basically the same as the German TR08 maglev train. Four trains can be put into operation and are divided into 4/5 sections respectively. One of them is listed as a domestic train. As of April 2006, Shanghai Maglev Train has opened 1 line with the total length of the line 30 kilometers. It takes 8 minutes one way, using the maglev system, and a total of 2 stations into operation. As of Sept. 5, 2017, Shanghai Maglev Train has had a total of 50 million passengers and a safe operation of 16.88 million kilometers.
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