Shanghai Higher People's Court
Shanghai Higher People's Court was founded on April 30, 1955, which is located at 308 Zhaojiabang Road, Shanghai. Its jurisdiction includes No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 Intermediate People's Courts (Intellectual Property Court, Railway Transport Intermediate Court), Maritime Court, Financial Court, Shanghai Railway Transport Court and other special courts, as well as 16 district courts. Shanghai Higher People's Court is responsible for the trial of cases of first instance under its jurisdiction according to law; cases of first instance transferred by the people's courts at a lower level; cases of first instance are designated for trial by the Supreme People's Court in accordance with the law; cases on appeal for the judgments and decisions made by Intermediate People’s Courts, Maritime Court, Intellectual Property Court at first instance and cases of protest raised by the People's Procuratorate in accordance with the procedure of trial supervision, and it shall guide and supervise the trial work of the people's courts at lower levels.
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